You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
692 B

export interface blogInterface {
key: string,
blogtitle: string,
create_at: Date,
readnum: number,
readminite: number,
wordcount: number,
img: string,
blogcontent: string,
typename: string,
labelnames: string
export interface classticInterface {
key: string,
id?: number,
header: string,
text: string,
descr: string
export interface comLinkInterface {
key: string,
id?: number,
linktext: string,
linkurl: string,
descr: string
export interface typeInterface {
key: string,
id?: number,
typename: string,
descr: string
export interface labelInterface {
key: string,
id?: number,
labelname: string,
descr: string