@ -2,7 +2,86 @@ import { reactive, ref } from 'vue' |
import { defineStore } from 'pinia' |
import { get } from "@/tools/request" |
import dayjs from 'dayjs'; |
interface blogInterface { |
import { useRouter } from "vue-router" |
const router = useRouter() |
export const useAuthStore = defineStore("auth", () => { |
const tokenValue = ref("") |
function setToken(token: string) { |
tokenValue.value = token |
} |
function removeToken() { |
localStorage.removeItem('token'); |
} |
return { setToken, removeToken } |
}) |
// 语录列表接口
export const panelContentStore = defineStore("panel", () => { |
interface panelList { |
id: number, |
header: string, |
text: string |
} |
const panels = ref<panelList[]>([]) |
const panelData = async () => { |
try { |
const response = await get("/classtics/list"); |
if (response) { |
panels.value = response.data.data.map((item: any) => ({ |
id: item.id, |
header: item.header, |
text: item.text, |
})); |
} else { |
console.error("Response data structure is not as expected:"); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Failed to fetch data", error); |
} |
} |
return { panels, panelData } |
}) |
// 链接接口
export const comLinkContentStore = defineStore("comlink", () => { |
interface comlinkList { |
id: number, |
linktext: string, |
linkurl: string |
} |
const linkbuttons = ref<comlinkList[]>([]) |
const comLinkData = async () => { |
try { |
const response = await get("/comlink/list"); |
if (response) { |
linkbuttons.value = response.data.data.map((items: any) => ({ |
id: items.id, |
linktext: items.linktext, |
linkurl: items.linkurl |
})) |
} else { |
console.log("response data is not exist") |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Failed to fetch data", error); |
} |
} |
const comLinkClick = (url: string) => { |
if (url.startsWith('http://') || url.startsWith('https://')) { |
window.open(url, "_blank"); // 使用 window.location.href 打开外部链接
} else { |
router.push(url); // 否则使用 Vue Router 的 push 方法导航
} |
} |
return {linkbuttons,comLinkData,comLinkClick} |
}) |
// 博客列表接口
export const blogContentStore = defineStore("blog", () => { |
interface blogInterface { |
key: string, |
blogtitle: string, |
create_at: Date, |
@ -13,127 +92,112 @@ interface blogInterface { |
blogcontent: string, |
typename: string, |
labelnames: string |
} |
const bloglist = ref<blogInterface[]>([]) |
export const useAuthStore = defineStore("auth", () => { |
const tokenValue = ref("") |
function setToken(token: string) { |
tokenValue.value = token |
} |
function removeToken() { |
localStorage.removeItem('token'); |
} |
const bloglist = ref<blogInterface[]>([]) |
async function blogList() { |
try { |
const response = await get("/blogs/list"); |
if (response) { |
bloglist.value = response.data.data.map((items: any, index: any) => ({ |
key: (index + 1).toString(), |
blogtitle: items.blogtitle, |
create_at: dayjs(items.create_at).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
update_at: dayjs(items.update_at).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
readnum: items.readnum, |
readminite: items.readminite, |
wordcount: items.wordcount, |
img: items.img, |
blogcontent: items.blogcontent, |
typename: items.typename, |
labelnames: items.labelnames |
})) |
} else { |
console.log("bloglist is not exits") |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.log("bloglist is error") |
} |
return { setToken, removeToken } |
} |
return { blogList, bloglist } |
}) |
// 博客查询接口
export const blogSearchStore = defineStore('blogsearch', () => { |
const searchValue = reactive({ |
blogtitle: '', |
typename: '', |
start_date: '', |
end_date: '' |
}); |
// 博客列表接口
export const blogContentStore = defineStore("blog", () => { |
async function blogList() { |
try { |
const response = await get("/blogs/list"); |
if (response) { |
bloglist.value = response.data.data.map((items: any, index: any) => ({ |
key: (index + 1).toString(), |
blogtitle: items.blogtitle, |
create_at: dayjs(items.create_at).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
update_at: dayjs(items.update_at).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
readnum: items.readnum, |
readminite: items.readminite, |
wordcount: items.wordcount, |
img: items.img, |
blogcontent: items.blogcontent, |
typename: items.typename, |
labelnames: items.labelnames |
})) |
} else { |
console.log("bloglist is not exits") |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.log("bloglist is error") |
} |
const onChange = (date: string, dateString: string[]) => { |
if (date && dateString.length === 2) { |
searchValue.start_date = dateString[0]; |
searchValue.end_date = dateString[1]; |
} else { |
searchValue.start_date = ''; |
searchValue.end_date = ''; |
} |
return { blogList, bloglist } |
}) |
console.log(dateString[0]); |
}; |
// 博客查询接口
export const blogSearchStore = defineStore('blogsearch', () => { |
const searchValue = reactive({ |
blogtitle: '', |
typename: '', |
start_date: '', |
end_date: '' |
}); |
const onChange = (date: string, dateString: string[]) => { |
if (date && dateString.length === 2) { |
searchValue.start_date = dateString[0]; |
searchValue.end_date = dateString[1]; |
const blogSearch = async () => { |
try { |
const response = await get("/blogs/list/search", { |
blogtitle: searchValue.blogtitle, |
typename: searchValue.typename, |
start_date: searchValue.start_date, |
end_date: searchValue.end_date |
}); |
if (response && response.data) { |
bloglist.value = response.data.data.map((items: any, index: any) => ({ |
key: (index + 1).toString(), |
blogtitle: items.blogtitle, |
typename: items.typename, |
blogcontent: items.blogcontent, |
create_at: dayjs(items.create_at).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
update_at: dayjs(items.update_at).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
descr: items.descr |
})); |
console.log(response) |
} else { |
searchValue.start_date = ''; |
searchValue.end_date = ''; |
} |
console.log(dateString[0]); |
}; |
const blogSearch = async () => { |
try { |
const response = await get("/blogs/list/search", { |
blogtitle: searchValue.blogtitle, |
typename: searchValue.typename, |
start_date: searchValue.start_date, |
end_date: searchValue.end_date |
}); |
if (response && response.data) { |
bloglist.value = response.data.data.map((items: any, index: any) => ({ |
key: (index + 1).toString(), |
blogtitle: items.blogtitle, |
typename: items.typename, |
blogcontent: items.blogcontent, |
create_at: dayjs(items.create_at).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
update_at: dayjs(items.update_at).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
descr: items.descr |
})); |
console.log(response) |
} else { |
console.log("request has no data"); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("request is exception", error); |
console.log("request has no data"); |
} |
}; |
return { searchValue, onChange, blogSearch }; |
}); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("request is exception", error); |
} |
}; |
return { searchValue, onChange, blogSearch }; |
}); |
// 语录列表接口
// export const classticContentStore = defineStore("classtic", () => {
// interface classticInterface {
// key: string,
// header: string,
// text: string,
// descr: string
// }
// const classticlist = ref<classticInterface[]>([])
// async function classticList() {
// try {
// const response = await get("/classtics/list")
// if (response) {
// classticlist.value = response.data.data.map((items: any, index: any) => ({
// key: (index + 1).toString(),
// header: items.header,
// text: items.text,
// descr: items.descr
// }))
// } else {
// console.log("classtic is not exit")
// }
// } catch (error) {
// console.log("classtic is error")
// }
// }
// return { classticList, classticlist }
// })
export const classticContentStore = defineStore("classtic", () => { |
interface classticInterface { |
key: string, |
header: string, |
text: string, |
descr: string |
} |
const classticlist = ref<classticInterface[]>([]) |
async function classticList() { |
try { |
const response = await get("/classtics/list") |
if (response) { |
classticlist.value = response.data.data.map((items: any, index: any) => ({ |
key: (index + 1).toString(), |
header: items.header, |
text: items.text, |
descr: items.descr |
})) |
} else { |
console.log("classtic is not exit") |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.log("classtic is error") |
} |
} |
return { classticList, classticlist } |
}) |